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Today's Rate

Currency Remittance Forex
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Indian Rupee 23.38 0.04250 0.04500
Nepalese Rupee 37.37 0.02700 0.03200
Philippines Peso 15.67 0.06150 0.06850
Sri Lankan Rupee 81.25 0.0100 0.01650
Bangladesh Taka 33.76 0.02850 0.03500
Saudi Riyal 00 0.9645 0.9830
UAE Dirham 0.9999 0.99000 0.99950
Kuwaiti Dinar 0.00 11.800 12.000
Pakistan Rupees 77.62 0.0090 0.0250
Bahraini Dinar 0.00 9.610 9.750
Egyptian pound 13.80 0.0600 0.1200
Jordanian Dinar 5.1600 5.1300 5.2300
US Dollar 3.6500 3.630 3.650
Euro 0.00000 3.80000 4.05990
Omani Riyal 0 9.4000 9.5500
Malaysian Ringit 1.21 0.7600 0.8499
British Pound 0 4.60000 4.79990

* Rates are indicative and subject to change without prior notiice